Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

A trip to China

A trip to China

Recently, the IU East Campus Library gained access to a marvelous set of historical databases covering cultures from all over the world. The Adam Mathew databases, powered by university collections and state institutions such as the British Library, cover historical documents from Central and South America, Asia and Africa. From missionary bulletins printed in Hong Kong to detailed reports from the East India Company, lots of surprises dwell within these amazing resources. Today, we’ll focus on China. The China: Trade Politics and Culture database spans 1793-1980 and covers everything from biographies and sales records to Chinese Christmas cards. The church bulletins are fascinating mostly for their diary-like entries on life in China in the 19th century and book reviews about … Continued
Class Prep

Class Prep

Welcome to all our new students, and to our returning students, welcome back! As you enjoy your ice cream, pancakes, movies, and other Back with the Pack activities, you’ll quickly be settling into a routine of coursework, study, research, and writing. And the library is a vital part of that – not just later, when things are coming due, but right now, at the beginning of the semester – whether you need scholarly resources, computers, a place to print out your syllabi (remember to bring your new Crimson Card, available in room 109), or just a quiet place to study. One common request we get at this time of year is for textbooks. Like most college libraries, we have a … Continued
Benefits of Service Engagement for Graduate School and Career

Benefits of Service Engagement for Graduate School and Career

By Ann Tobin Campus/Community Service-Learning Liaison IU East Center for Service-Learning   In fall 2016, IU East senior Kurtis Bonner tutored middle school students at IU East, and he continues to help students at Hagerstown Elementary (HES), working in math classrooms and doing individual tutoring. The teachers at HES have reported their appreciation for Kurtis’ help in the classroom. “Kurt was very reliable and helpful. He is always willing to jump in and help out students…” – Amanda Corman, Hagerstown Elementary Math Counts! Tutor Kurtis Bonner assists students with math at Hagerstown Elementary Kurtis was recently accepted into Indiana State University’s DPT program (Doctorate of Physical Therapy). He will start at ISU on May 30, 2016, and it is … Continued
Do you have a story? Oral history interviews are continuing at the IU East Campus Library!

Do you have a story? Oral history interviews are continuing at the IU East Campus Library!

It’s a new semester, a new year, and the library is continuing its mission to collect oral histories from IU East alumni and retired faculty for the IU Bicentennial and IU East archives! We are a few years away from celebrating 200 years of IU history, as well as IU East’s 50th anniversary, but it is never too early to start preserving and collecting all the unique and interesting stories from so many different members of the IU family. IU East has such an interesting beginning, starting off as a couple of rooms at Earlham College before evolving into the ever expanding campus we are today, with our students and faculty coming from all different backgrounds and experiences. We take … Continued
Government Information Day

Government Information Day

May 7th is Government Information Day at the Indiana State Library! The ISL is using this opportunity to highlight what is available and how to use the wealth of information collected and published by the U.S. and state governments, whether you access that information through libraries or directly from government agencies. One huge area of government information is statistics. The federal government tracks data on numerous civilian concerns – whether you’re studying economics, demographics, criminal justice, or health, there’s something for every need. In fact, there is so much out there, it’s hard to know where to begin.  A good place to start is the portal FedStats, which includes links to statistics for over one hundred agencies on the federal, … Continued