Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

Welcome to the IU East Campus Library

Welcome to the IU East Campus Library

Welcome to the IU East Campus Library! Our mission is to provide resources and services that support the academic engagement and research of diverse participants in our teaching and learning community. The helpful, knowledgeable library team is available to assist you online, in-person, or via phone. The IU East Campus Library Facebook page highlights resources, events, and services. Be sure to “like” us! Electronic Resources and Collection Development Assistant Librarian Beth South manages all e-resources, including our A-Z databases, e-books, streaming media, Open Education Resources, and specialized library tools like LibKey. LibKey is a specialized browser extension that can be added to help you locate and access articles when searching websites outside of the library database like Google Scholar, PubMed, … Continued
New Nursing Resources for a New School Year

New Nursing Resources for a New School Year

The IU East Campus Library has new resources to help students and faculty locate clinical and healthcare related scholarly journals and articles. We now subscribe to ProQuest’s Nursing and Allied Health Premium.This database provides access to over 700 scholarly journals, 350 training videos, case studies, and multicultural reports that can help healthcare providers in working with patients from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. It also includes illustrations and photos that students can study and include in their research and presentations. Example: To find a specific journal, we now have access to BrowZine, a tool that enables searching for a journal by title, subject, or ISSN. We recommend nursing students check the Biomedical and Health Sciences BrowZine Library, which allows you … Continued
A “Hot” Topic: Your body’s (and planet’s) rising temperature

A “Hot” Topic: Your body’s (and planet’s) rising temperature

We are still in the beginning of the summer season, and we have already experienced record numbers of high heat in many parts of the United States. Globally, scientists warn that 2023 could be one of the hottest years on record due to the impact of global warming and an incoming El Niño (Paddison, 2023).  An El Niño is a natural weather phenomenon that occurs in the Pacific Ocean every few years that brings warmer than average sea waters temperatures to the surface and which can globally influence the weather.  Hot summers can be extremely dangerous if you’re not prepared, especially as it is the time of year when many people enjoy the outdoors. Heat-related illnesses can not only impact … Continued
Get your Reading on!

Get your Reading on!

This winter break, challenge yourself to read more. Perhaps you will find a new favorite from one of the many “best of…” lists for 2022. With over 3,200 suggestions, NPR’s Book Concierge provides recommendations of “top books” for the years 2013-2022. Find “Best of Books” for subjects like science fiction and fantasy, history and politics, poetry, and more from the Guardian. The Smithsonian Scholars Pick of 2022 provides readers with top picks ranging from biographies and memoirs to the study of systemic racism. Choose among more than 70 Best Books for Adults 2022 selected by NYPL librarians. Love a good murder mystery novel? Journey into the dark heart of noir with these Best Noir Fiction of 2022 from Crime Reads. … Continued
Supporting OER in the Classroom

Supporting OER in the Classroom

The Campus Library and the Center for Faculty Development have collaborated to offer the Course Material Transformation Fellowship. The 2022-2023 school year is the first year this fellowship is being awarded at the IU East Campus. Modeled after the IUPUI and IU Bloomington’s Libraries program of the same name, this fellowship supports instructors in their efforts to adopt and create affordable course materials, including open educational resources (OER), library licensed content, and open access materials. This fellowship is being offered in response to the 2021-2023 IU East Campus Strategic Initiative encouraging the use of open educational resources and textbook alternatives under the Enrollment & Student Success focus area. The Fellowship Program aims to:  Lower the cost of college for students … Continued