Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

Human-Animal Bonds: Taking Care of Our Pets

Human-Animal Bonds: Taking Care of Our Pets

According to the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), there are 5 major benefits to owning a pet: alleviate stress fight depression reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness encourage physical activity  facilitate healing and resiliency The Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption of businesses and education in 2020-21 forced many people to isolate, either alone or with their immediate household members, contributing to an increase in depression, loneliness, and stress (Robillard et al. 2020). The pandemic also saw a rise in pet adoption as more people were limited to at-home and outdoor activities. (Ho et al. 2021). During these challenging times, people often turned to their pets for comfort and support. Respondents in a HABRI survey specific to the human-animal bond … Continued
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Find us on Facebook!

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. Arts African American Music is rich with variety. Learn more about musicians Nina Simone, Millie Jackson, Roberta Flack, and other great African American artists in the International Index to Music Periodicals database. What do Harriet Hosmer, Edmonia Lewis, and Emma Stebbins have in common? They were famous neoclassical women sculptors from the mid-19th century. Learn more about them and their work, in the Oxford Art Online database. It contains more than 200,000 articles spanning ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over … Continued
Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a database that offers access to thousands of academic works from Oxford University Press. Since the fall of 2016, The IU East Campus Library has had access to certain subject modules in Oxford Scholarship Online, including Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Social Work, Sociology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, and History. Starting February 2021, the IU East Campus Library, along with the other regional campus libraries, will be joining the Bloomington campus in participating in an Oxford Prospective Print Pilot through the Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Initiatives (BTAA). With this program, the BTAA receives one archival print copy of new titles within certain Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) subjects, with online access extended to … Continued
A list of lists!

A list of lists!

As 2020 comes to an end, “Best of …” lists are popular, so we wanted to feature a variety of reading options. Did any of your favorite books from 2020 make the lists? A selection of the 10 Best Literary Adaptations of the Year highlights this year’s new literary adaptations. The most popular and purchased books by Amazon customers in 2020 shares what customers were reading this year. With over 2,000 suggestions, NPR’s Book Concierge provides recommendations of “top books” for the years 2013-2020. What are other writers reading? The Guardian’s best books picked by guest authors provides insight into what authors like to read when they are not working on their next work. Why stop at Top 10? Here … Continued
On the move – with virtual travel

On the move – with virtual travel

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many subscription-only resources are continuing to offer temporary open access to material now through the end of the year.  To discover these resources, check out the Education Resources – Free Online (ERFO) resources guide: This resource guide is continuously updated with new academic resources as they become available for open access. Resources for eBooks and eTextbooks, such as OpenCulture – eTextbooks provides a list of 200 open access textbooks readily available from subjects ranging from Art History and Biology to Business and Sociology.   During these times it may be difficult to travel, but with virtual tours, there is no place or time one cannot visit. The “ERFO” has a whole section dedicated to … Continued