

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and although society is becoming more open to discussing mental health, it can still be challenging to know where to begin when it comes to taking care of your own mental well-being. Several national groups and government organizations provide resources for all your mental health needs. Mental Health America offers a downloadable toolkit with information, posters, and DIY tools. The National Institutes of Health explores topics such as anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and suicide prevention, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides direct support for those suffering from mental illness. Online counseling sessions are available for all students via Timely Care. IU East students also have access to Chat with a … Continued
Mental Health – free resources and a free t-shirt

Mental Health – free resources and a free t-shirt

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the theme this year is ‘Look Around, Look Within’.  ‘Around’ includes the environment – neighborhood, social circle, family, and workplace – while ‘within’ refers both to introspection, and to a candid appraisal of one’s personal risk factors like genetic makeup.  These influences work together to help or hurt one’s mental well-being.  About one in five Americans deals with mental health issues at some point in their life, and the last few years have offered unprecedented stress on all segments of society, exacerbating the problem. Many national groups and government organizations are offering resources, including Mental Health America with a downloadable ‘toolkit’ of information, posters, and DIY tools; the National Institutes of Health which … Continued