early college

early college

Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

When was the last time you sat down and had a real conversation with an 8th grader? How about an older adult? Many students and faculty members set out to do just that and the result is a dynamic anthology of poems and memoirs. The Red Wolves Write publication, Look Up, is titled after the opening poem written by Carson Miller, an 8th grader from the Early College program. Carson is begging readers to look up from their screens and participate in the world around them. A sentiment that is carried throughout the publication. Each story and each poem provides a raw, honest look into the lives of those around us. It is easy to get so wrapped up in … Continued
Preparing for the road ahead…

Preparing for the road ahead…

By Nancy Schlichte, undergraduate service engagement scholar The Early College Students from Dennis Intermediate School, Hibberd, and Test Intermediate schools in Richmond are preparing for the road ahead by participating in a career exploration program. Thanks to the Paul Kriese Service Engagement Scholarship, and in coordination with the Early College Director, Dr. Jackie Schlichte, I have the opportunity to facilitate the career exploration program with the seventy-five participating students. When we first began discussing career options, the top choices for careers were those that were known to make a lot of money. While the students agreed money is a good motivator, they also determined it was more important to have a job you enjoy doing! By using the “Drive of … Continued
What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Shakespeare wrote, “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  After completing their diversity research the 8th graders from Early College Prep Academy might disagree.  As part of the “Unpacking Your Diversity” Bridgeway project, facilitated by a partnership among Early College at the Richmond Schools, Ivy Tech, and the IU East Campus Library, 8th grade students from ECPA learned what diversity meant for themselves and for others.  The Bridgeway project is intended to prepare students to transition into the Early College Academy at Richmond High School and later onto college.  Dr. Jackie Schlichte (Early College Director) and Heidi Huff (IU East Library Instruction Coordinator) worked with 8th graders during the month of April to … Continued
Early College + IU East Campus Library = Career Quest!

Early College + IU East Campus Library = Career Quest!

What do athletic trainer, musician, video game artist, pediatrician, forensic science technician, mathematician, emergency medical technician, veterinarian, computer hardware engineer, multimedia artist, and administrative services manager have in common? They are all career possibilities explored by 7th graders as part of a career quest program facilitated by a partnership among Early College at the Richmond Schools, Ivy Tech, and the IU Campus East Library. Jackie Schlichte (Early College Director), Latrisha Jackson (Early College instructor and IU East graduate student), and Heidi Huff (IU East Library Instruction Coordinator) worked with 7th graders throughout the Spring semester to develop their research skills and focus on targeted information to help them make informed decisions about potential career choices. The culminating project was a … Continued
National Mentoring Month

National Mentoring Month

As 2010 quickly fades into memory and 2011 arrives, New Year’s Resolutions might be on your “to do” list.  If so, have you considered being a mentor? Did you know January is National Mentoring Month? (www.nationalmentoringmonth.org) And did you know that right here in Richmond, Indiana we need mentors for two very special programs? The Richmond Community Schools needs 16 mentors to build “a positive relationship with a caring adult” with 6th – 8th grade students in the Cruising Into Your Future and Early College programs. Cruising Into Your Future needs 10 mentors among 6 schools. Each mentor meets with a group of 4 students one day per week during a 30 minute lunch period.  You can choose the day of … Continued