Elizabeth South

Elizabeth South

Neue Filme!

Neue Filme!

Thanks to the World Languages and Culture courses offered at IU East, the Campus Library continues to expand our growing international films collection. For Spring 2018 we have fourteen new German language films. These are used in a German course but are also available for circulation to anyone with IU East credentials. Check it out! And if you have any questions about international films at IU East, just Ask Us! iueref@iue.edu Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari – M – Die Mörder sind unter uns Triumph des Willens – Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes – Der Himmel über Berlin Sonnensucher – Spur der Steine – Die Brücke – Der blaue Engel Lola rennt – Good Bye Lenin! – Gegen die Wand – … Continued
News from the Archives – Semester Roundup

News from the Archives – Semester Roundup

This past semester, the archives has been very busy. We have a few ongoing projects, some new collections in the works, and a few updates. First, some ongoing projects… Bicentennial Oral History Project The Bicentennial Oral History Project is still happening! Oral History Assistant Ashley Clayton started with us this past August, contacting alumni and conducting interviews. This semester, Ashley interviewed 14 alumni, staff, and even a few faculty members, such as retired nursing professor Jane Vincent and current Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs T.J. Rivard. We also have online student Jennifer Haught, who started in October as our second Oral History Assistant, and she has been helping us with transcribing our interviews. So far, Jennifer has transcribed 13 … Continued
Library Lingo-What does it mean?

Library Lingo-What does it mean?

We are currently more than half way through the semester and at some point already, you may have been in contact with library staff either for reference help or because an online resource was giving you some trouble. Whether by phone, email, or in person we librarians tend to say some pretty strange words sometimes in our effort to help you, words understood by librarians, but maybe not to the average library user. When it comes to reference or locating a book, here are some common words you may hear and what they mean. Boolean Search– Using the operators of AND, OR, and NOT in keyword searching. These operators help you refine your search results by including (AND), excluding (NOT), … Continued
Get a Shot of Research Help

Get a Shot of Research Help

Fall is here, and so is flu season. The IU East Center for Health Promotion (CHP) is currently promoting “Flulapalooza,” encouraging students, staff and faculty to get flu vaccinations. The CHP provides safe and convenient access for flu vaccinations. While it is generally agreed upon that the flu vaccine is good for you and can help prevent the spread of the virus, vaccines in general are a controversial topic and there can be misinformation spread if one does not use reliable sources. Here at the IU East Campus Library we have information resources that can help you navigate health related topics from various points of views. The Library subscribes to a database provided by Gale, the Health and Wellness Resource … Continued
INSPIRE ebooks now available, plus other ebook facts!

INSPIRE ebooks now available, plus other ebook facts!

INSPIRE is Indiana’s virtual online library offered by the Indiana State Library and accessible to all Indiana residents. It is a collection of academic databases, and also has ebooks available through one of our ebook vendors, EBSCO. You can now search IUCat for titles that are offered by INSPIRE and can access them in EBSCO ebooks. There are more than 2,500 ebooks now available in all major subject areas. If you want to view the extensive list, you can check out the titles here https://iu.box.com/s/hnmtti5nfpzfxx4m2l7fybfv1xjc8h58. While we are on the topic of ebooks, it is good to know that we have a few ebook platforms, but our two largest are Ebooks by EBSCO and Ebook Central by ProQuest. Both of … Continued