

Uncovering the Past: Creating Digital Timelines for the Lives of Amazing Women from History

Uncovering the Past: Creating Digital Timelines for the Lives of Amazing Women from History

Over the past few months, I have developed several interactive digital timelines for the Women of Valor: Interfaith Actions for Social Justice project. These women were some of the many featured in the 2017 Herstory Camp. Click the links of the various women below, organized by their activism and time period, for more information on their lives, advocacy, and work. Countless women were important advocates for equal education and abolition during the mid-19th century. African-American women in particular, both freed and enslaved, fought for their rights but were often lost to written history. As one of the few African-Americans of the time born into freedom, Sarah Mapps Douglass advocated for abolition and equitable access to education. She introduced medical training … Continued
Jenny Hoops and Women of Valor

Jenny Hoops and Women of Valor

This fall, IU Bloomington MLS student Jenny Hoops is developing digital timelines for the IU East Campus Library Women of Valor: Interfaith Actions for Social Justice LibGuide, in collaboration with library director Frances Yates. Jenny will be utilizing Knightlab software to develop digital scholarship for many of the women featured in Women of Valor, with emphasis on their contributions to social justice. She also plans to add additional content to the guide, particularly in her area of focus: women’s lives and experiences after World War II. (Image via Knightlab)   The first few timelines have been published on the Women of Valor website. The first timeline tells the story of Sojourner Truth, a famous abolitionist and women’s rights activist known … Continued
Student researchers’ special projects for Summer 2018

Student researchers’ special projects for Summer 2018

The IU East Campus Library is host to two students immersed in two different, and very interesting, research topics. An art tradition for forty years: The Whitewater Valley Art Competition Brittany Yoder, a Junior Communications major, was selected as an IU Bicentennial intern for summer 2018, to work on a “Connecting Campus and Community through Art” project. This internship is hosted by the IU Office of the Bicentennial. Under the supervision of IU East Archivist Beth South, Brittany will document the history of ways in which the campus engages with the community through art outreach. The project will be housed in an Omeka presentation site, within the “Arts in Culture” theme.  Selective content highlights will also be integrated into the … Continued
Summer of service

Summer of service

As we settle into Fall, we pause to reflect on Summer 2017 – a summer of service. June and July were full of programs in the IU East Campus Library and Center for Service Learning that connected IU East students as mentors for K-12 youth in our community. The enriching and fun learning activities included Math Counts! tutoring, Third Grade Academy and Herstory Camp. Math Counts! So many dedicated students were involved in tutoring this summer! Ann Tobin, campus/community liaison for service-learning, has profiled several of them. The Math Counts! program is generously supported by grants from the IU East Chancellor’s Innovation Fund, the Stamm Koechlein Family Foundation and the Indiana Kids program. Special thanks to tutoring coordinators Katelyn Brown … Continued