KT Lowe

KT Lowe

One Book 2018 – This Far by Faith

One Book 2018 – This Far by Faith

This year’s One Book Day is Wednesday, October 24th.  The featured book, This Far by Faith, discusses a wide range of social and health-related issues in Detroit, such as poverty, joblessness, mental illness and homelessness.  The Reverend Faith Fowler, pastor of the Cass Community United Methodist Church, wrote This Far by Faith to humanize the people who use the services offered by the Cass Community Church and its associated services.  To celebrate This Far by Faith, IU East has scheduled an entire day of events coinciding with the book’s themes. A summary of events, and resource information is in the One Book 2018 libguide. 11:00 – Community Room Film: The Last Days of Chinatown Artist, filmmaker and Cass Corridor resident … Continued
The Truth about Conspiracy Theories

The Truth about Conspiracy Theories

You’ve probably heard that the illuminati has been trying to overthrow the US government since its beginning, right?  And of course you know the earth is flat, not round like all those “scientists” claim.  The moon landing was obviously faked, because how could people ever really do that?  You’ve heard all of these theories, but hopefully you don’t believe a single one of them.  These are a particular branch of misinformation known as conspiracy theories. (source: knownyourmeme.com, unknown creator.) Conspiracy theories are not new, and most definitely not true.  For as long as there’s been publishing, there’s been evidence of conspiracy theories, some of which still exist today.  While some conspiracy theories stem from a longing for information and a … Continued
Rhyme with Reason: The Summer Poetry Teachers Institute – KT Lowe shares her experience

Rhyme with Reason: The Summer Poetry Teachers Institute – KT Lowe shares her experience

This past July, I was fortunate to attend the Summer Poetry Teachers Institute.  Sponsored by the Poetry Foundation, which furthers the understanding and appreciation of poetry, the institute was at their headquarters in Chicago, IL.  The application was competitive, with only 100 teachers and librarians from across the US, from kindergarten to college, selected to take part in the program.  Throughout five days, we explored poetry resources, nationally and internationally recognized poets, and classroom ideas, in order to create a curriculum designed to benefit students in the community. (Children’s section of the Poetry Foundation library) Because of my work with slam poetry as part of National Poetry Month, my section was focused on middle school students.  In addition to education … Continued
Fake news fatigue? Never fear!

Fake news fatigue? Never fear!

Since fake news came to wider prominence in 2016, many of us are increasingly skeptical of news accuracy and news quality.  While it makes sense to scrutinize various news sources, most Americans find mainstream media biased.   Only about 32% of Americans trust mainstream news, and this figure dropped eight percentage points from the previous year’s study (2015-2016.)  Unfortunately, some of that mistrust is earned.  Still, even in the era of faster news cycles, instantaneous information and “alternative” press, there are a few solutions. One is to become an advocate for truth, or as oceanographer and director of LUMCON Craig McClain puts it, a “Nerd of Trust.”  According to McClain, while up to 82% of scientists use Facebook regularly, very few … Continued
What month is it? You decide!

What month is it? You decide!

June is popular for lots of reasons – sun, summer vacation, art fairs, festivals and did I mention sun?  Yet June is also a popular month for assigning various themes and causes.  The IU East Campus Library is happy to help you celebrate any month you please! Pride Month:  The landmark Stonewall Riots, which took place at the Stonewall Inn in New York City from June 28, 1969 to July 1, 1969, are widely recognized as the catalyst of the LGBTQ liberation movement.  In recognition of this momentous event, the last Sunday of June was informally recognized as Pride Day in many large urban communities.  In 1995, LGBT Pride Month was officially declared by the General Assembly of the National … Continued