KT Lowe

KT Lowe

Are you planning to join the Banned?

Are you planning to join the Banned?

Have you read any of the following books in the past year? a. The Fellowship of the Ring, by J. R. R. Tolkien b. Any book in the Harry Potter series c. Looking for Alaska, by John Green d. The Holy Bible If you have read at least one of the above books in the past year, congratulations: you’ve read a banned book. Banned books are titles that have been challenged or banned from public institutions, schools and other places, often at the behest of concerned parents or members of the public. While the aims of these individuals seem wholesome on the surface, their actions constitute censorship, denying you access to books and other reading or viewing materials you want … Continued
Constitution Day: Celebration and Investigation

Constitution Day: Celebration and Investigation

The United States Constitution, the oldest and shortest written constitution in the world, was signed on September 17, 1787. To commemorate this event, we at IU East are celebrating Constitution Day with activities, a contest and, of course, learning. Constitution Day events will be held at the Graf on Monday, September 19th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. You can enjoy cider and donuts as you pick up your own copy of the Constitution, register to vote and enter a contest to win one of three cash prizes. What’s the contest? All you have to do is recite the Preamble to the Constitution anytime between now and the morning of September 19th and send the video to our Constitution Day … Continued
Poetry Demystified

Poetry Demystified

Poetry. The word is loaded with ideas of Elizabethan romance, intentional obscurity and namby-pamby rhymes. Lest this be your only impression of poetry, the IU East Campus Library has plenty of resources available to demystify poems and poets for even the most non-lyrical reader. First, poetry itself isn’t limited to a particular time, place, style or author. IU East keeps a number of poetry anthologies in its collection, ranging from contemporary American (The New Anthology of American Poetry) to Latino voices (Looking Out, Looking In) to a strict focus on 20th century poets (Twentieth-Century American Poetry) a collection focused entirely on a single place (Baghdad: The City in Verse). These broad overviews allow you to dip in and find something … Continued
OMA: Opening Minds through Art

OMA: Opening Minds through Art

Now in its second year, Opening Minds through Art (OMA) is an intergenerational program bringing students together with elders with dementia to produce failure-free works of abstract art. OMA is highly interactive, with the student acting as a facilitator for the elder artist’s vision and abilities. IU East has partnered with Friends Fellowship Community in Richmond to continue this award-winning, enlightening program. Friends Fellowship is the only facility in the state of Indiana to offer OMA to its residents. OMA uses art projects as a basis for communication between students and elder artists. The end results, besides impressive works of art, include increased self esteem for the artists and increased awareness of dementia for the students. Melissa Baxter, OMA Program … Continued
Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

Look Up a Red Wolves Write Publication

When was the last time you sat down and had a real conversation with an 8th grader? How about an older adult? Many students and faculty members set out to do just that and the result is a dynamic anthology of poems and memoirs. The Red Wolves Write publication, Look Up, is titled after the opening poem written by Carson Miller, an 8th grader from the Early College program. Carson is begging readers to look up from their screens and participate in the world around them. A sentiment that is carried throughout the publication. Each story and each poem provides a raw, honest look into the lives of those around us. It is easy to get so wrapped up in … Continued