Open Education Resources

Open Education Resources

Who Uses OER at IU East? — Open Education Week 2023

Who Uses OER at IU East? — Open Education Week 2023

Due to the rising costs of higher education, textbook affordability is a particular area of hardship for many students. With limited funding, students may have to choose what is essential to their well-being and education and because of this, many students forgo buying required textbooks or other course material. This often results in poor grades or failing or dropping out of the course (Yano & Myers, 2019).  To combat this issue, Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives have been growing among many higher education institutions, including Indiana University East. ​ In support of Open Education Week (March 6-10th) 2023, the Campus Library is highlighting IU East faculty who currently use OER textbooks and resources in their classes.  Humanities and Social Sciences … Continued
Study Abroad with Open Access (OA)

Study Abroad with Open Access (OA)

It’s important for IU East students to gain a global perspective and one of the best ways to do that is to participate in one of IU East’s many study abroad experiences. The IU East Campus Library provides access to many databases that focus on different cultures and places from around the world and at various points in time. However, we also want to contribute to a culture of open learning and research sharing by providing a list of open access resources inspired by the upcoming study abroad courses at IU East. Open access is an international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic publications, allowing anyone to be able to download, read, and disseminate … Continued
Supporting OER in the Classroom

Supporting OER in the Classroom

The Campus Library and the Center for Faculty Development have collaborated to offer the Course Material Transformation Fellowship. The 2022-2023 school year is the first year this fellowship is being awarded at the IU East Campus. Modeled after the IUPUI and IU Bloomington’s Libraries program of the same name, this fellowship supports instructors in their efforts to adopt and create affordable course materials, including open educational resources (OER), library licensed content, and open access materials. This fellowship is being offered in response to the 2021-2023 IU East Campus Strategic Initiative encouraging the use of open educational resources and textbook alternatives under the Enrollment & Student Success focus area. The Fellowship Program aims to:  Lower the cost of college for students … Continued
Open Educational Resources (OER): Adding Diversity and Inclusion to the Classroom

Open Educational Resources (OER): Adding Diversity and Inclusion to the Classroom

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day of reflection and inspiration. It has us thinking more closely about equity and inclusion in our work in the library, and in particular, how we can support classroom endeavors in this cause. One way we can do this is to support the use and development of Open Educational Resources. We often discuss how Open Educational Resources (OER) can be easily adapted to suit the needs of the students and the instructor and how they can be a more affordable (free!) option for students  in comparison to traditional textbooks. However, it is also important to highlight that because OER can be remixed, revised, and shared freely, they can be used as an agent … Continued
Open Pedagogy: create and collaborate

Open Pedagogy: create and collaborate

Open Pedagogy is a concept in teaching that overlaps with other schools of pedagogical thought, especially as we now work, create, and learn in a digital environment and engage more with collaborative work, such as: Constructivist Pedagogy – learning based on the idea that we construct our own knowledge through direct experience (Hands-on learning). Critical Digital Pedagogy – focuses not just on the tools we use in teaching, but how we are connecting as human beings. Connected Learning – active participation in learning, collaboration with peers, mentors, etc. The term Open Pedagogy was first cited in 1979 by a Canadian named Claude Paquette and he “outlines three sets of foundational values of Open Pedagogy: autonomy and interdependence; freedom and responsibility; … Continued