

Sydney Schumacher- History Major

Sydney Schumacher- History Major

I still remember the day that I fell in love with museums. I was twelve years old and it was at The Milwaukee Public Museum in Wisconsin, my home state. I had always been a history lover, and for the longest time I wanted to be a Paleontologist. As I grew older, I came to favor ancient and medieval world history, which is what I am majoring in. I have done a lot of reading and studying over my lifetime, and I have had the amazing opportunity to go to Egypt to study my love for history first hand. Museums, libraries, and archives are all workplaces that I am just itching to get my hands into. This semester I have … Continued
Being Involved

Being Involved

To get the most out of college, you have to dedicate yourself to it. You can’t just show up. You have to be prepared. Be involved. Have the discipline and concentration to get the most out of each experience. That’s certainly true for cultural things. Maybe you’re planning on joining the World Heart Day walk this Tuesday. Or perhaps going to the Ohio Renaissance Festival on October 3rd with the History, Humanities, and Honors clubs is more your style. Maybe you’ll read Positive and attend Paige Rawl’s talk on October 27th. All of these things improve dramatically when you’ve prepared yourself for them first. But it is equally true for scholarship. You don’t learn just because you’re signed up for … Continued
For the dead and for the living we must bear witness: A life spent in service above self

For the dead and for the living we must bear witness: A life spent in service above self

“For the dead and for the living, we must bear witness.” – Elie Wiesel Dr. Paul Kriese is a tenured Political Science professor at Indiana University East where he has taught since 1983. Dr. Kriese grew up as a Quaker within a diverse neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, where most of his neighbors were Catholic, Jewish, African American, American Indian, Asian, or Hispanic. It was a poor community and, while Paul was poor also, he always helped out his neighbors and was very active in the community. He learned early on the importance of diversity, respect, and community engagement and it was a major influence on his education. It is because of the value one gains through community service that … Continued