sexual assault

sexual assault

Sorting fact from fiction about sexual assault

Sorting fact from fiction about sexual assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, an uncomfortable subject for many of us to think about.  Yet it is very important to learn about sexual assault, especially since there are so many myths about it, myths that victimize people ever further after an attack.  Myth: Rape and sexual assault are crimes of passion and cannot be stopped. Truth:  According to the World Health Organization, rape and sexual assault are crimes of power and dominance, often used as a tool of control over the victim.  Sexual assault may occur under a number of different circumstances, usually involves an acquaintance of the victim and always involves lack of consent on the part of the victim. Myth:  Sexual assault isn’t that common, so … Continued
Combatting Relationship Violence

Combatting Relationship Violence

The week of October 22nd IU will be participating with thousands of other colleges and universities in It’s On Us, a national initiative to bring an end to college sexual assault.  It’s On Us focuses on the positive duty all of us, particularly men, have to combat sexual assault – not just stepping in and intervening if we see it about to happen, but also to contribute to an environment where everyone knows it is unacceptable and survivors are supported, heard, and cared for. Events on campus occur throughout the week – Monday includes a ‘pledge’ drive where you can take a vow to be a catalyst for change (and get a t-shirt, which you are encouraged to wear that … Continued
Embrace your voice

Embrace your voice

“Embrace your voice” is the theme for the 2018 Sexual Assault Awareness Month. One of the ways to amplify voices is to teach youth about body (aka bodily) autonomy. Body autonomy is the concept that an individual “owns” one’s body. Teaching children about body autonomy can help them understand the importance of consent in everything related to their own body. IU East Campus Library staff have gathered resources we hope will help educators, caregivers and guardians convey to children an understanding of the idea of “my body is mine.” Links to books, websites, media and research articles are in this resource guide: Selected content is highlighted in this blog. A list of sexual assault awareness month events at IU … Continued
Sexual Assault Awareness

Sexual Assault Awareness

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of the peril of sexual violence. This year’s theme is engaging new voices to change the culture. Here at IU East, we are holding SAAM events all through the month, including the Clothesline Project, where you can decorate a t-shirt in support of survivors, a Take Back the Night rally, a poetry slam, emergency training, and lots more, sponsored by IU East’s Title IX Office. A complete calendar is at the end of this blog. Indiana University does not believe that sexual violence is ever, in any way, the victim’s fault, and does not condone the attitude that it is a woman’s responsibility to avoid doing, wearing, or saying … Continued
It’s On Us

It’s On Us

Sexual assault on campus remains a huge concern for both students and administration alike. To raise awareness of this important issue, and to promote resources to help stop campus sexual assault, IU East is participating in It’s On Us. A nationwide project intended to support victims while providing help and resources, It’s On Us launched in 2014. IU East will be hosting a series of events throughout the week of 11/7-11/11. On Monday, the Red Flag Campaign will launch on the quad. The Red Flag Campaign encourages participants to look for “red flags”, or warning signs that might signal an imminent assault and speak up when they see them. Intervention training, which presents bystanders with methods to identify and stop … Continued