Session #1 – Representation of Women in Western Art:
The tradition of the “female nude,” specifically “Venus paintings,” for the “malegaze;” artists that challenge this archetype, including the Guerilla Girls; women ascreators vs. women as subject matter; the representation of women
in contemporary media.
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2013: 12:45-1:45 pm
Location: McGuire Memorial Hall Auditorium, Richmond Art Museum
Session #2 – Suzanne Valadon:
19th Century artist; worked first as a nude model for artists such as Degasbefore she became a notable artist in her own right; one of the first femaleartists to actually work with the artistic convention of the female nude,deflecting and ultimately rejecting “the male gaze;” how her low-classbackground actually ended up helping her artistic production by liberating herfrom the responsibility of keeping up with “bourgeois femininity.”
When: Wednesday, June 26, 2013: 12:45-1:45 pm
Location: McGuire Memorial Hall Auditorium, Richmond Art Museum