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Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

The Indiana University East Hispanicampus Virtual Gallery highlights World Language & Culture’s student work and projects during Hispanic Heritage Month. Field trips for service learning, guest speakers, Day of the Dead altars, student projects and more will fill this album. Kara Beatty, a social work major, Hispanic Studies certificate candidate, and current student of SPA 200, designed a water project over issues of water in the U.S. as they relate to Hispanics.
Whitewater Valley Annual Art Competition accepting entries Sept. 23-27

Whitewater Valley Annual Art Competition accepting entries Sept. 23-27

Indiana University East is accepting art entries September 23-27 for the 2013 Whitewater Valley Annual Art Competition (WVAAC). The competition will begin at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 5, in Whitewater Hall. Prior to the judging, there will be a juror presentation at 11:30 a.m. in Tom Raper Hall, room 124. The top ten entries will receive a monetary award. Artists with accepted entries will be notified by Monday, October 14.This year’s competition will be juried by Buzz Spector, an artist whose artwork has been shown in such museums and galleries as the Art Institute of Chicago, Los Angeles County Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago and the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Spector has received several awards including … Continued
IU East announces Wine to Water as this year’s book for “One Book, Many Voices” project

IU East announces Wine to Water as this year’s book for “One Book, Many Voices” project

Indiana University East will celebrate the second year of the “One Book, Many Voices” project when classes begin in August 2013. The project mission is to foster a campus and community discussion about themes and ideas inspired by a common text in an effort to develop camaraderie, inform knowledge, and inspire action towards positive civic engagement and improvement. The featured book is Wine to Water, by Doc Hendley. Just as the subtitle indicates, the book is about “how one man saved himself while trying to save the world.” A bartender from North Carolina, Hendley became aware of the global water crisis and decided that he needed to and could do something about it. Hendley mobilized his network of colleagues, family, … Continued