Curricular Items

Campus Learning Outcomes

Undergraduate Learning Outcomes 2020
Principles of Graduate Education 2020

CARMIn (online Course Approval and Remonstrance Integrated system)

CARMin Instructional Packet 2014 PDF Version
Library Resources Form (New Acad Program or Course) 2014 MS Word Version

Curriculum Forms and Templates

Listed below are various forms which apply to the development or revision of academic courses or programs offered at Indiana University East. The name of each form is hyperlinked for ease of downloading and/or printing.  The final level of approval is listed in the right column.

Approval chain for program proposals is as follows: School, IU East Curriculum Committee, IU East Faculty Senate, IU East Office of Academic Affairs, IU Academic Leadership Council, IU Board of Trustee and Indiana Commission of Higher Education (ICHE).  Your proposal may or may not need to go through the whole chain. However, your proposal will need to go through all levels starting from School until and including the ending level identified in the table above.

For more information, please consult the GENERAL MATRIX FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMS (IU Login Required), University Academic Planning and Policy, August 22, 2016.

General Education Courses

General Education Request Form 2019 MS Word Version
General Education Framework 2015 MS Word Version
Removing a General Education Course from the Gen Ed Framework 2014 MS Word Version
General Education Framework Q & A 2019 MS Word Version

Programmatic Name Changes

All items associated with a change in name are considered voting items for Faculty Senate as part of the approval process.

Degrees and Certificates 2014 ICHE
Concentrations/Tracks/Cognates 2014 IU Academic Leadership Council
Minors 2014 IU East Office of Academic Affairs
Name Change Cover Sheet 2016 This cover sheet provides required information for the APPEAR system.

Change in Curriculum for Existing Programs

If proposed change(s) are within schools and do not affect other academic units on campus, they are considered information items for Faculty Senate.  If the change(s) affect(s) other schools, they are considered voting items for the Faculty Senate.

Change in Basic Requirements of Graduate or Undergraduate Degree Program 2019
Change in Certificate Program 2019
Change in Completion Program  
Change in Concentration/Track/Cognate 2019
Change in Minor 2019
Request to Deactivate a Program/Concentration/Cognate/Track/Minor

New Academic Program Proposals

All items pertaining to new program proposals are considered voting items for the Faculty Senate.

For a list of the information required for each type of new degree or program, please access the Required Documentation for Degree Proposal document.

For additional information about collaborative online program development, including the status of current collaborative programs, please visit IU Online's Developing New Online Programs.

New Degree Program (Blank Proposal-Part I) 2012 ICHE
New Degree Program (FAQ's and Areas to Be Addressed-Part II) 2012
Academic Degree Program Checklist 2012
New Degree or Certificate Cover Sheet 2016 This cover sheet provides required information for the APPEAR system.

**Existing Degree Program to be Offered Online

2014 ICHE
Office of Online Education Initial Request for a New Online Program 2016
Certificate Program 2014
Concentration/Track/Cognate within Existing Degree 2014 IU Academic Leadership Council
Minor 2014 IU East Office of Academic Affairs

**This form must be completed if a face-to-face program is being converted to an online program.  To fill this out, place the cursor in the field to be completed and click the mouse.  You will then be able to complete it.


Click here for obsolete curricular items.