By Laws and Elections
This committee is responsible for overseeing and reviewing the bylaws and making changes; additions or deletions. They are also responsible for overseeing the process of council officer election and filling any vacancies as they arise.
- Chair - Jessica Rice
- Margie Santner
- Cindy Wicker
- Linda Melody-Cottongim
- Kim Ladd
- Cindy Wicker
- Cindy Pratt
Scholarships and Awards
This committee is responsible for overseeing the selection process of Staff Service Award, Employee Scholarship Award, and assisting with Endowment Scholarship Award for students.
- Chair - Mandy Hoadley
- Shannon Dice
- Amanda Bellew
- Kim Ladd
- Sunny Wright - one year member
Staff Training and Staff Retreat
This committee is responsible for selecting professional development opportunities and planning/organizing the annual staff retreat.
- Chair - Duretta Callahan
- Margie Santner
- Judy Ford
- Angela Moody
- Jennifer Jefferson
Fundraising and Community Engagement
This committee is responsible for selecting and organizing our fundraisers and community outreach projects.
- Chair - Linda Melody-Cottongim
- Duretta Callahan
- Pat Doughty
- Jessica Rice
- Karla Stevenson
Ad Hoc
Chairperson will be selected when committee is formed.
These committees will be formed as needed when special projects or events occur.