Meeting of the Members
Section 1
Meeting Times Meeting times shall be set by members of the Staff Council. Meetings shall adjourn no more than 90 minutes after call to order unless a later adjournment is agreed to unanimously.
Section 2
Quorum The presence of representatives from simple majority of the active membership of the Staff Council shall constitute a quorum. Active membership is defined by the attendance of three meetings within the last rolling calendar year.
Section 3
Voting A vote called by the Leadership Team must receive a simple majority vote of active membership shall be required to pass a motion. Members with Union representation shall not have voting powers.
Section 4
Special Meetings The Chancellor may request the Leadership Team of the Staff Council to call a special meeting. Special meetings may also be called by the Leadership Team of the Staff Council.
Section 5
Task Forces
Task forces will be created and chaired by a member of the Leadership Team. Each task force will expire upon completion of the designated project/agenda. Task forces will be limited to a maximum of 5 members.
By-Law II Elections
Section 1
Leadership Team of the Staff Council The Leadership Team of the Staff Council shall be elected every even year. Those receiving the majority of votes cast by members present and voting will be declared elected. The Leadership Team shall consist of no more than 3 elected members each term. Exact time and location of the monthly meeting shall be set by the Leadership Team.
Section 2
Procedures for the Election The Leadership Team will announce the timeline for the election process. The Leadership Team will request nominations for candidates at the February meeting of an election year. Any member of the Staff Council (active or inactive) may submit nominations. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the bi-annual meeting.
Section 3
Vacancy In the event a Leadership Team member vacates a position, it will be filled by appointment by the Leadership Team for the remainder of the unexpired term or could remain vacant until the next election.
Section 4
Term of Office Leadership Team elections shall be held every two years. The Leadership Team shall serve two-year terms. A Leadership Team member may vacate their position at any point during the two-year term with approval from the remaining members of the Leadership Team. Leadership Team members may not serve on two consecutive terms.
By-Law III
Section 1
Amendments This constitution may be amended by a simple majority vote of the active members of the Staff Council and voting at a meeting.
Section 2
By-Laws The Staff Council may adopt or repeal by-laws by a simple majority vote.
Section 3
All communications from Staff Council shall be sent from Staff Council active members shall be notified of any upcoming meetings, with exception to Special Meetings, no later than two weeks prior the upcoming meeting. Any communication requests from active members of the Staff Council must be approved by all members of the Leadership Team.