Craft Fair
The IU East Staff Council would like to thank you for supporting the Arts & Craft Fair. After 15 years, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue the event. We look forward to embarking on new activities to provide scholarship opportunities for our students and hope you will visit our Web site to learn of our progress.
The Staff Council Craft Fair began in 1992. It was the brainchild of staff members Roberta Coates and Judith Mathews who had visited another IU campus that held such an event. They organized the first Staff Council Craft Fair which brought in about 40 vendors and 300 visitors. It was so successful that it became an annual event.
After a few years, Staff Council realized they needed to be doing something worthwhile with the proceeds. Once again Roberta came to the rescue with the idea to start an endowment fund and award an annual scholarship of $300 to a single-parent part-time student. Since that time, Staff Council has donated yearly from the Craft Fair proceeds to the endowment fund and now award two $750 awards yearly from an endowment as well as supporting the IU community as needed.