

IU East welcomes new faculty to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

IU East welcomes new faculty to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indiana University East is pleased to welcome new faculty members to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Brian Brodeur, assistant professor of English, Creative Writing/Poetry, received his Ph.D. in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Cincinnati. He received his M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University and his B.A. in English and a Minor in History from Salem State University. Previously, Brodeur was an instructor at the University of Cincinnati and an associate editor for Cincinnati Review. Formerly, he was a library specialist for George Mason University Libraries in Fairfax, Va. He also taught for the Art Institute of Washington. Brodeur has published poetry most recently in American Poetry Review and The Missouri Review. In … Continued
IU East faculty lead program on Perspectives of Beauty at Girls Inc.

IU East faculty lead program on Perspectives of Beauty at Girls Inc.

Indiana University East School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecturer of Psychology Eevett Loshek and Assistant Professor of Anthropology Katherine Miller worked with a group at Girls Inc. of Wayne County through teaching a class on cross-cultural, historical, and psychological concepts of beauty and female development. Katherine Miller, assistant professor of anthropology, helps a Girls Inc. member with an East African dress as part of “Perspectives of Beauty: What is normal is what you are.” The course, “Perspectives of Beauty: What is normal is what you are,” brought girls ages 10-13 together for lectures on different aspects of beauty and hands-on activities during three sessions on February 6, February 13 and February 27. Loshek and Miller are both in their … Continued
New Dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences Announced

New Dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences Announced

Ross Alexander is the new dean of the Indiana University East School of Humanities and Social Sciences, beginning January 1, 2015. “Ross brings with him a wealth of knowledge, leadership and a solution oriented approach to the position of dean. As interim dean and associate vice chancellor, Ross has established a familiarity with the campus, faculty, students, and the community and he is a strong advocate for the school. I am delighted to welcome him in his new role,” said Chancellor Kathryn Cruz-Uribe. Alexander has been the interim dean since July 2014. He joined IU East in January 2012 as the associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs. He also served as the dean of Graduate and Extended Education. The dean … Continued
Career Pathways

Career Pathways

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) produces a program for Whitewater Community Television (WCTV) titled “Career Pathways.” The show, which airs at 9pm on WETV Channel 20, is an introduction to professionals in the Wayne County area and the paths they took from their degrees in the liberal arts and social sciences to their current careers. Hosts for the show are Dr. Katherine Frank – Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Katie Chaney – Lead Academic Advisor and Assistant to the Dean of HSS, and Chris Rogan – Part-time Music Instructor, HSS. Past guests include Bill Engle, Becky Jewison, Jodie Scheiben, Alison Zajdel, Abby Clapp, Terry Wiesehan, Brian and Ashley Derrer, Rachel Hughes, Avis Stewart, … Continued