October is LGBTQ History Month, and IU East provides varied types of resources to assist students, staff and faculty in supporting members of the LGBTQ community. At the IU East Campus Library, we subscribe to several databases focused on LGBTQ research. Sources like Genderwatch cover both historical and modern approaches to issues in sexuality, while the Archives of Sexuality and Gender include numerous primary sources demonstrating the breadth of LGBTQ history. In addition, the library maintains an LGBTQ community digital archive, centering on local voices and history. The library maintains a libguide with local resources, event dates and other useful information.
As part of its ongoing efforts to increase awareness, challenge biases and foster understanding, empathy, and inclusivity of LGBTQ individuals, the IU East Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is hosting an LGBTQ+ 101 Competency Training session, on Monday, October 23 from 11:00 M to 2:00 PM in Hayes Hall 142. The training will include learning basic LGBTQ+ terms and definitions, how to balance professionalism with opposing cultural, moral, and religious views and gain an understanding of the LGBTQ+ communities’ nomenclature. While it is not necessary to reserve a seat, those who do will receive a boxed lunch. To register, email Chief Diversity Office Yemi Mahoney ymahoney@iue.edu.
The Center for Health Promotion offers services to assist all students, including free STD testing on designated dates, and free condoms, located just outside the door of CHP, in Hayes Hall. For more information, contact wellness specialist Deanna Cooper deancoop@iue.edu.
IU East aims to be a welcoming, well-informed community, with resources of all kinds to assist students, staff and faculty. Interested in LGBTQ current events and breaking news? Want to know more about local access to health resources? Curious about contributing to the LGBTQ archive? Ask us! iueref@iue.edu