Keep yourself and the campus community safe and healthy
We provide a number of vaccines and screenings to help you be healthy during your time at IU East.
We provide a number of vaccines and screenings to help you be healthy during your time at IU East.
As flu season approaches, we host several flu shot clinics on campus at different times; watch for announcements around campus or visit this page for clinic dates and times.
You might think you're too young to worry about cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI or blood sugar levels, and you might be right! But many health issues are hereditary or triggered by life events or lifestyle, so you might as well get screened to be sure... and because you're an IU East student, it's cheap!
The Hepatitis B vaccine includes a series of three shots at set intervals. Most received this vaccine as an infant, but if you have not and would like to protect yourself, contact us!
Make it a habit to keep an eye on your own health. Every once in awhile, stop by the lobby of Hayes Hall (first floor outside the library) and take advantage of the:
If you've chosen to be sexually active, part of a healthy sex life is getting tested. Most STDs are treatable, especially when you catch them early.
Testing provided by Aspire Indiana.
Students returning from international study abroad experiences (or vacations) in (or international students from) areas with higher rates of tuberculosis (TB) are most likely to request this test, but there are many risk factors. If believe you may have been exposed to TB, get tested!
For services requiring an appointment, schedule it in person at the Center for Health Promotion (Hayes Hall, room 064) or:
For services that are not free, simply drop by the Office of Student Accounts (Bursar) to make your payment, then bring your receipt with you to your appointment.
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd