Support for Nursing Moms & Caregivers

Resources to balance family & education

Family needs don't usually stop when you're taking classes! So take a moment to see if any of the resources offered here at IU East and around the community can help lighten the load.

The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) for the state of Indiana maintains a searchable list of childcare providers to help you find a trusted place for your child.

Visit the FSSA's Child Care Finder

Local Child Care Resources

If you are caring for a parent or someone elderly or disabled, the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) for the state of Indiana has created INConnect Alliance to help you navigate your options.

Visit INConnect Alliance

Local Elder Care Resources

Need a private, quiet space to nurse your child or use a breast pump? The Wellness Room is available to you, and has:

  • dim lighting option,
  • pamphlets and books with breastfeeding and parenting tips,
  • a comfortable chair,
  • an ottoman,
  • and a sink.

Call the Center for Health Promotion at 765-973-8216 for access information and to schedule ongoing dates and times you will need the room, if needed.

Learn more about the Wellness Room