Printing Policy
All departments and individuals in need of printing and duplicating services (exclusive of small copying jobs completed on satellite copiers) which will be paid from University funds must acquire those services through Office Services, Room 002, basement Whitewater Hall or External Affairs, first floor Springwood Hall. External Affairs will procure and / or oversee and have final approval on publications of an advertising or promotional nature. This includes any and all materials sent out into the community. Office Services will provide, or in cases where specialized equipment is necessary, procure everything else.
These two offices are the only authorized agents for the quotation and procurement of printing and printing-related services from off campus vendors. Bills received for outside printing not authorized by one of these two agents will not be honored by the University.
Employees must channel duplicating needs to Office Services. Satellite copiers are for convenience purposes only. They should be used for runs of 1-20 single-sided copies. The price for copies made on the satellite copiers is higher than the price in the Office Service Center.
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