
Can't find what you're looking for?

Check other libraries!

  1. Log in to IUCAT and find the book you need.
  2. Select REQUEST DELIVERY on the right side of the item screen within IUCAT.
  3. Be sure to select EAST as the campus where you want the book to be delivered.

You will be notified through your IU email account when it is received.

You will need to allow 7 to 10 working days for your request to be filled. You may check to see if the item has arrived by calling 765-973-8204 or by asking at the Circulation Desk. You will receive an email when your request has arrived.

After the book arrives, you will have 10 days to pick up items held for you at the Library's Circulation Desk. After that time, the item will be returned to the lending library.

If you would like to request an article found in one of our databases, the best way to request it is to use Find-It. Use Find-It to make sure the article you want is not available in another database before requesting it through ILLiad 2.0.

IU East Library • Hayes Hall, first floor • Mon-Fri, 8am- 5pm • 765-973-8311

The Library team

Matt Dilworth

  • Coordinator, Reference & Media Services, Library
Hayes Hall 141

Jesse Whitton

  • IU East Archivist, Library
  • Coordinator of User Services, Library
Hayes Hall 140

Mission Statement

The mission of the IU East Campus Library is to provide resources and services that support the academic engagement and research of diverse participants in our teaching and learning community.

Diversity Statement

The Indiana University East Campus Library recognizes the value of all individuals and strives to engage and include the full diversity of the IU East community without regard for any personal characteristic, belief, experience, or learning style. The library will champion equitable access to information and tear down barriers to learning while fostering an environment of inclusivity, mutual support, and understanding that highlights the richness and contributions made by every individual.