Kevin Hayden
Are you thinking of having a guest speaker? Does a reception sound like an elegant touch to your project? Is your department recognizing students for outstanding achievements? Are you representing an organization that would like to host an event on campus? If you answered yes to these questions (and probably many more) then you have come to the right place!
Before you get too involved, you should know about the IU/IU East Event Guidelines first, these will help with your event planning process:
This may seem like a lot, but it’s always best to plan ahead! If you are ready to begin the planning of your event, scroll down!
All events need a space. Whether your event has an audience of two or two hundred, you must have a place to put your people! Click on the “25Live” button below to go directly to the room reservation system. (will use CAS)
Please check the campus wide events calendar to ensure your event does not coincide with other events. If the selected date is already taken and/or has three (3) or more events, please select another date.
If anticipated attendance is 50 or more, the Events Coordinator will submit UERC to IU Bloomington for approval. Once your event has been approved, you can move on to Step 3.
If you would like general IU East Swag items, Specialized Swag items, and/or Marketing materials such as Wolfvision, What’s Up, Fliers, Posters, etc. please submit your request to the Office of Communications and Marketing Request Form from the button below. Someone from this office will contact you about your request. Please ensure that your timeframes line up accordingly. Event approvals and room reservations all take time. (will use CAS)
Remember to plan ahead! Some specialized items take several weeks to order!Who doesn’t love the cookies from The Den! Now that your event has been approved, your space has been confirmed, and you have your marketing request in, it is time to start thinking about food. Not all events need food, but some do, does your event need catering? If so, click on the catering button below to submit your request to The Den. (will use CAS)
Questions or special requests? Contact theden@iue.edu or call 765-973-8280.
For events with expected attendance of 150 and above, catering must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of event. For events with attendance 149 or below, catering must be submitted at least 1 week prior to event.
You now have your space, your food, and maybe some fun swag. When your guests show up, what will they see? Does your event need linens? Flowers? Signage? Music? So many of these elements puts a dazzling touch to your finished product! Whether your event is ultra fancy or ultra chill, no table likes to be bare at an event, so at the very least, you might need a table cloth or two. If you know what you want or if you need advice, talk to Kevin. He can be reached by the email button below.
All linens are owned by the Office of External Affairs. We have several but not an unlimited supply. Reserve your linens ahead of time and return as quickly as possible so others can use them. All linens will be laundered by External Affairs and like everything else, this takes time and resources are limited. We will do our best to loan the linens you need.
You are ready for your event! Some events can be self-run while others need the support of the Event Coordinator. We will make this determination during the event approval process.
Make sure to keep all of your forms and confirmations for future reference and/or planning. Any borrowed items such as linens, sign stands, vases, tents, etc. are the property of External Affairs. By signing these items out, you take responsibility for them. Any lost or damaged items will be billed to your department.
Questions? Contact:
Kevin Hayden
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd