Who Should Participate?
All full-time School personnel reporting to the Deans should participate in the evaluation. Part-time staff who report to the Deans also participate, using the same evaluation instrument.** ** If adjunct faculty are included in the Deans’ evaluation a separate and appropriate instrument must be developed for that purpose.
How Should the Evaluation Process be Administered?
The Chief Academic Officer will notify the Deans of the pending evaluation and will convene and lead a committee consisting of three tenured faculty from outside the School, at least two holding the rank of Full Professor. The committee should provide a copy of the Faculty Affairs approved instrument to each full-time faculty member and staff with a deadline for completing the instrument. The instrument may be completed online or via hard copy. Upon completion of a hard copy survey, faculty and staff should deliver their completed instrument to the committee (or an appointed designee) for tabulation.
The original copies of the Faculty Affairs approved instrument shall be destroyed by the peer reviewers upon the successful completion of the peer review process.
What Should the Tabulated Results Include?
The tabulated results will normally include a frequency distribution and the median rating for each scale item and a verbatim listing of comments. The committee will keep the tabulated results and verbatim listing of comments in a secure location until the successful completion of the peer review process, at which time they will be destroyed by the committee. Deans may request additional information as they see necessary.
Who Should Receive the Summary of Tabulated Results?
A report, which consists of a written summary of the tabulated numerical results and a synthesis of the written comments, produced by the review and compiled by the committee, will be presented to the academic School Dean. The person being reviewed will be allowed fourteen (14) days to provide an optional response to this report. In the meantime, the report and subsequently the Dean's response (should she or he elect to provide one) will be sent to the Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The committee will call a meeting of the Dean's School. At that School meeting, with the Dean absent, the committee will present an oral report, which summarizes the ratings and synthesis of written comments produced by the review. The Chief Academic Officer will subsequently meet with the School in order to discuss the report. The CAO will meet with the Dean in order to discuss the report and the Dean’s optional response (if applicable). The discussion will include how the report will affect the CAO’s annual evaluation of the Dean.
In producing their report, the committee will attempt to communicate the essence of the written comments. However, exact wording of the comments will not be included in the synthesis. The summary of tabulated numerical ratings will indicate areas in which the Dean's performance was perceived unsatisfactory and those areas where the activity is perceived to be satisfactory.