Grade appeals
Standards for Granting a Grade Appeal
The faculty, Dean, and AAA Committee will use the following standards for granting a grade appeal:
1. The student appealing the grade must make an argument and provide evidence in support of this argument.
2. A grade may be changed only in cases where the reviewing body determines there is significant and sufficient evidence that the assigned grade was in error or unjust.
Limitations of Time
The grade appeal must be initiated in writing to the instructor of record within 20 business days after the student’s grade was posted. After this period, the student may only appeal a grade if extraordinary circumstances have prohibited the student from filing the appeal on time such as military deployment or catastrophic illness.
Exceptions to the timeline specified in this document may be extended by mutual consent, or in cases where extraordinary circumstances prevent a party to act in the specified timeline. In either case, a deviation from the timelines must be communicated and agreed upon by all parties.
Step One: Appeal to Instructor
• Students seeking to contest the grade received in a course should contact the instructor and attempt to resolve the matter amicably and informally first. It is suggested that the student and the instructor discuss the matter synchronously (by phone, virtually, or in person).
• If the instructor agrees that the grade should be changed, the instructor will initiate the Change of Grade process.
• If the matter is not resolved informally or if the instructor does not respond within 10 business days of the student’s initial contact, the student should submit a formal appeal to the instructor. The appeal may be sent electronically through their IU Email or via postal service.
• This formal appeal to the instructor must formulate arguments in favor of a higher grade. The appeal statement should be accompanied by documents with supporting evidence.
• The instructor must respond within 10 business days to the student's argument in writing, either electronically through their IU Email or via postal service. The response will either present the reasons for rejecting the student’s argument or an agreement to change the grade.
• If the instructor agrees to a grade change, the instructor should initiate the Change of Grade process. The instructor’s decision is then subject to approval by the School Dean, and the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
• If the instructor rejects the student’s appeal, the instructor should inform the student that an appeal to the Dean is possible.
Step Two: Appeal to the Dean, or Designee, of the Academic School
• If the instructor is not available or has not responded within 10 business days from receiving the initial written appeal, the student may direct their initial appeal to the Dean.
• If the appeal to the instructor does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the student may appeal the instructor’s decision to the Dean within 10 business days. To do so, the student should prepare and submit a formal letter addressed to the Dean rebutting the instructor’s response. The letter may be sent electronically through their IU Email or via postal service.
• This letter should include the following:
o Student’s name o Student’s ID number o Student’s correct mailing address o Course name and number o Full name of the instructor o The assigned grade
o The date “Appeal to Instructor” was initiated and its result including the instructor’s response
o Course syllabus
o An argument that demonstrates a valid reason that the instructor would be obliged to assign a better grade, which should include an analysis of relevant evidence.
§ Relevant evidence may include, but is not limited to: final exam, assignment instructions, and/or student’s electronic gradebook, and/or copies of previous communications with instructor, and/or witness testimony
• The Dean may appoint a faculty designee of the school to review the appeal
• The Dean, or designee may require additional documentation.
• The Dean should respond within 10 business days from the receipt of the appeal, either electronically through the Dean’s IU Email or via postal service. The Dean will communicate the decision to both the student and the faculty and inform them about possible further steps in the appeal process. The Dean’s decision may be appealed to the AAA Committee.
Step Three: Appeal to Admissions & Academic Affairs Committee (AAA)
• The Dean’s decision may be appealed to the AAA Committee within 10 business days after the Dean’s decision was communicated.
• Prepare a formal letter addressed to AAA and be sent electronically through their IU Email or via postal service:
Admissions & Academic Affairs Committee
Office of Academic Affairs
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd
Richmond, IN 47374
• The letter should contain the following:
o Student’s name o Student’s ID number o Student’s correct mailing address o Name of course and number o Full name of instructor o The assigned grade
o The date “Appeal to Instructor” was initiated and result o The date “Appeal to the Dean of School” was initiated and result o Course syllabus
o An argument which demonstrates a valid reason that the Dean’s decision should be reviewed, which should include an analysis of relevant evidence.
§ Relevant evidence may include, but is not limited to: final exam, assignment instructions, and/or student’s electronic gradebook, and/or copies of previous communications with instructor and/or Dean, and/or witness testimony
• AAA may request additional documentation
• AAA will review the appeal at the next scheduled meeting
• The decision of AAA, which will be communicated to the student, the instructor, and the Dean of School, will be final.
• The decision and relevant documents will be filed with the Indiana University East Office of Academic Affairs and will be archived for 10 years unless otherwise directed by University Counsel.
Appendix: Advice to students on how to prepare the grade appeal
As you prepare your appeal, use the following checklist:
[ ] Is the appeal statement written in the form of a business letter and addressed to the correct person?
[ ] Did you date the letter?
[ ] Does your appeal contain your name, student ID number, current mailing address, the course full number and title, instructor's name?