The option that permits students to designate courses to be taken for either a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade is available to all undergraduate students in good standing (not on probation) for a maximum of 1 elective course in a semester, with a maximum of 2 per year (fall semester to fall semester) and no more than 8 to apply towards graduation. The course selected for P/F must be an elective; it may not be used to satisfy institutional requirements or degree programs. Some schools may further limit the number of courses that can be taken Pass/Fail, and may otherwise restrict the use of the Pass/Fail option. Students should consult with the academic advisor and school dean prior to submitting the P/F option request. Students who change their major will need to get permission of their school dean to count P/F classes that are part of their degree requirement.
Students may use a Pass/Fail option to FX a grade received in a previously taken class.
A final letter grade will be submitted by the instructor and any grade other than an F, FN, or FNN will be converted to P. A grade of P is not counted in computing grade point averages; however, a grade of F is included in that average.
A grade of P cannot be changed subsequently to a grade of A, B, C, or D.