Types of Presentations
To participate in Student Research Day, students must submit an abstract, which describes the general theme of the presentation, and when relevant, the methods and results. Please review the following descriptions of the types of presentations available and view previous student abstracts for examples of successful submissions. Any student who is currently enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours during the academic year at Indiana University East is eligible to submit an abstract.
- Oral Presentation: Oral presentations provide a forum in which authors can present research results to a large audience of peers. Participants will be notified of the time and place for the presentations after the acceptance of their proposals. The presentations should be 7 - 10 minutes long. All recorded oral presentations will be submitted as Kaltura personal capture videos created in the student's personal Kaltura account.
- Poster Presentation: Poster presentations will be made to members of the campus community attending the event. Poster presentations are an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate research. Participants will be notified of the time and place for the presentations. Students will receive more information about size restrictions for the posters in their confirmation email. Students may visit the following link for help with creating a poster presentation: http://iue.libguides.com/presentunities.
All poster presentations will be submitted as 3 -slide, power point presentations consisting of the following:
- Introductory slide including title of presentation, name of presenter, name and number of course for which project was completed, name of instructor who served as your project mentor.
- Content slide laid out like a poster inclusive of 4-6 blocks of text and visuals outlining and/or illustrating the nature, method and main findings of your project, with internal citations.
- Documentation slide including specific bibliographical information for project resources