Hey Guys! Step It Up!

Join us for the 8th Annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® event hosted by Indiana University East and Earlham College. This event continues to grow in popularity for the IU East, Earlham, and Richmond communities.

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes asks men to literally walk one mile wearing women’s high-heeled shoes. Participants symbolically put themselves in the place of women for the purpose of raising awareness about the effects of sexualized violence in our community. At IU East and Earlham College, we recognize that these forms of violence do not discriminate. As such, all genders are encouraged to walk to serve as allies for ALL victims.

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is a fundraising and public awareness campaign. Funds raised during our Walks go directly to A Better Way whose mission it is to help to provide services and programs for survivors who have chosen to purse a healthier, safer, and more secure life.

How Do I Participate?

  1. To create a fundraising page, visit: Give Lively - A Better Way
  2. Determine if you are walking with a team or as an individual.
  3. Click the "I Want To Fundraise For This" button!
    • TEAM LEADERS: Teams should select a Team Leader who will create their team on the Give Lively site. Team Leaders can create a team and team’s fundraising page by selecting the Create a Team button. After a Team Leader creates a team, they should be sure to check their email to confirm their team's fundraiser for this event!
    • TEAM MEMBERS: To join a team, select the “Join A Team” button. Find the team you wish to join and select “Join Team” and create an account. After you create an account, be sure to check your email to confirm your fundraiser for this event!
    • INDIVIDUALS: For those inspired to fundraise but not participate on a team can create an individual fundraising page by selecting the “Create My Own Page” button. Create an account and be sure to check your email to confirm your fundraiser for this event!
    • Donate: If you do not have a team or individual to support for this fundraiser but would still like to donate to A Better Way, you can make your donations by selecting an amount at the top right of the Give Lively – A Better Way main page.
  4. Do you plan to participate in the in-person Walk? If so, register/sign liability waiver.
  5. Begin Fundraising for A Better Way - Once your page is ready, share it via email, text and social media with your family, friends, colleagues, and the world.
  6. Join us at IU East on the Quad on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Registration begins at 4:00; Walk begins at 4:30. Don’t forget your heels and donations!
    • RAIN LOCATION: In the event of inclement weather, the Walk will be moved to Whitewater Hall Lobby.  An announcement for this location change will be made on the IU East, Earlham College, and A Better Way social media sites.
  7. Donations benefit A Better Way. All checks payable to: A Better Way Services.


Awards will be presented following the Walk for the following categories:

  • Top Community Member
  • Top Business
  • Top Department – IU East vs. Earlham College
  • Best Heels - Award goes to the participant with the best heels AND overall presentation.


The Indiana University East/Earlham College Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event will benefit A Better Way.  A Better Way provides shelter and services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons. A Better Way services victims and secondary victims in Wayne, Fayette, Union, Delaware, Jay, Blackford, Randolph, and Henry counties in Indiana.

History of Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Events

Since 2001, communities across the world have been holding annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes events to support victims of domestic and sexual violence. A Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® event is a playful opportunity for individuals to raise awareness in their community about the serious causes, effects, and remediations to sexualized violence against women.  During this one-mile walk, many men (and women) choose to walk the route wearing high-heeled shoes to demonstrate their commitment to the cause of ending interpersonal violence, particularly against women. Learn more about the Walk at walkamileinhershoes.org.