In order to assist students in meeting the five campus learning outcomes adopted by the campus, Indiana University East has established minimum standards and program requirements for all degrees awarded at Indiana University East. Students should familiarize themselves with these degree requirements as soon as possible in order to choose appropriate courses. All degree programs at Indiana University East have the following requirements. In addition students must meet requirements established by each degree program.
First Year Seminar
A passing grade is required in the First Year Seminar course. This course is mandatory for all beginning freshmen and for transfer students with no more than 12 credit hours of transferring course work. This course must be taken in the first semester after admission to Indiana University East.
Writing Requirement
A grade of C (2.0) or above is necessary in all English composition courses required for a degree. Students must complete ENG W131 or the equivalent within the first 25 credit hours for which they are enrolled. Students must also complete a second writing course with a C (2.0) or above within the first 50 credit hours for which they are enrolled. This course should prepare students for writing research papers and include at least one method of widely accepted documentation and instruct students in library research skills. All students must complete a culminating writing experience in their major.
General Grade Requirement
A passing grade is required in all other courses. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) is required for all courses taken toward a degree.
Required Credit Hours
For a bachelor degree a minimum of 30 hours at the 200 level or above must be completed at Indiana University East. At least 15 hours in the field of concentration must be completed at Indiana University East.
Requesting Exceptions
Requests to deviate from any of the above requirements must be recommended, in writing, by the Dean of the school in which the student is obtaining the degree. When multiple schools are involved all Deans of said schools must consent to the deviation. The recommended deviation will be sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, who will make the final determination regarding the proposed deviation. Written documentation of the final decision will be placed in the student’s advising file. Forms for filing such requests are available in the registrar’s office. Appeals of waiver decisions will be acted upon by the Admissions and Academic Affairs Committee whose decision will be final.