Your personal college assistant

Your success coach has your back

Like Siri or Google, your success coach can help you find answers to your questions and provide you with tools to stay on the right track. Unlike Google or Siri, we're real people who care about you and your unique goals and needs.

Talk to your coach when:

  • you have a question, and aren't sure who to ask.
  • you're feeling overwhelmed.
  • you'd like to build skills like time management or self-advocacy.
  • you've fallen behind and don't know how to catch back up.
  • you want to be proactive about what you can do to be successful.
  • you just want someone in your life who understands the demands of college and has your back!
  • you want to talk about any of these topics.
Michelle Holliday

Michelle Holliday

Student Success Coach

Whitewater Hall 122

Discussion ideas

Our discussions revolve around your needs. Some topics might include:

  • Educational Goals & Personal Development
    • Career exploration and development
    • Barriers to academic success
    • Establishing rapport with professors and staff
    • Becoming active learners and class participants
    • Self-esteem & self-advocacy skills
  • Course Management
    • Differences between high school and college courses
    • Expectations of college professors
    • Purpose and value of a course syllabus
    • Communicating with college professors and university staff
    • Study Skills and note-taking skills
    • Test-taking and test anxiety
  • Time Management
    • Daily schedule / study schedule
    • Developing organizational skills
    • Overcoming procrastination
    • Balancing academic & social demands
  • Introduction to Academic Policies and Procedures, the impacts of:
    • class attendance
    • dropping / adding
    • satisfactory academic progress standards
    • incomplete grades