Search firm guidelines (generally used for executive and higher-level positions) If departments are working with an external firm to coordinate or assist with the recruiting and hiring process, the following guidelines should be considered:
If the search will involve a search firm and/or bypass the People Admin posting, that information should be included on the Vacancy Notice.
If the position will not be posted in People Admin, the search firm needs to assist in collecting applicant monitoring information. OAA can provide an online form for the search firm to distribute to applicants. In addition, the search firm must provide OAA with a complete list of applicants.
If the position will not be posted in People Admin, it should be minimally posted on an IU website, with at least the link to the application instructions. Depending on the type of position, other minimum standards for advertising should be considered in accordance with ACA-77, Advertising Policy for Academic Instructional Positions.
All ads must contain the required IU Non-Discrimination statement.
If the search will use the People Admin system, specify how the search consultant(s) will access candidate materials.
Ensure that the search firm is aware of the University’s priorities for a diverse pool and that the search firm will share the responsibility to strive for a diverse applicant pool.
Establish a timeline for the search with the firm.
Require the search firm give full consideration to any internal applicants.
Require that the search firm be responsible for the security of the firm’s online application and data storage of candidate materials.
Specify the records retention/destruction policy of the search firm and coordinate on archiving search materials.
Require that for candidates to advance in the search, that all required materials must be provided (e.g. cover letter, references, etc.).
Require that the search firm contact anyone nominated by the search committee whose name is referred to the firm.
Specify how the search firm conducts reference checking and background checks and what information will be provided to the search committee or the appointing officer.
Specify that the search committee participate in the reference checking process.
Specify what administrative services the search firm provides.
Specify how candidates will be notified if they are not moving forward at each stage, in agreement with the search committee chair.
Require that the search firm does not participate in the negation of salary and benefits between the candidate and the University, especially if the search firm fees are a percentage of the selected candidate’s salary.
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