- The Dean, after consultation with departments/programs about needs, will initiate a request to fill a new or vacant position to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (EVCAA) for approval. This request should ideally occur in mid-late spring so that approved searches can begin early the following fall semester (or summer).
- Once approved, the Dean should help the program identify search committee members and a chair.
The Dean and Search Committee Chair should arrange a conversation with OAA to discuss the program’s areas of underutilization and strategies for recruiting a diverse candidate pool. - An updated position description, which serves as the job advertisement, as well as the diversity recruitment plan, should then be sent to the EVCAA and OAA for final approval to advertise.
After final approval has been obtained, the OAA will notify the Dean and EVCAA and forward the position description/advertisement to the Human Resources Generalist for posting. The Dean or Search Chair should also forward search committee member names to HR.
- After the position description/advertisement has been reviewed and approved, HR will complete a Vacancy Notice E-Doc. The notice should include the text of the vacancy announcement and identify all the places it will be advertised. The Search Committee Chair, along with all search committee members, should be identified. The hiring official should oversee the composition of the search committee.
- OAA will provide the Dean and Search Committee Chair with utilization data indicating if the position is underutilized for women and/or minorities so that increased efforts can be made to attract a diverse applicant pool.
- After all the approvals have been made, the form will route back to the HR Generalist for acknowledgement. Once acknowledged, the job advertisement is ready to be posted by the HR Generalist.
- An interview request must be submitted and approved before scheduling and conducting interviews, including interviews conducted at conferences, airports, or other external locations, interviews via phone/video, and campus-based interviews.
- This request may be submitted via email to the Director of Affirmative Action, with a copy to the Human Resources Generalist. Along with the interview request, supporting rationale as to how ALL candidates were included/excluded should be attached. This process is identical for every stage of the interview process (i.e., phone/video interviews, campus interviews, and offer).
- The Office of Affirmative Action will respond with approval or with requests for more information for each stage of the interview process.
- Contact the HR Generalist to close the posting, if applicable.
- When a final candidate has been selected, the search committee chair will submit this recommendation and the rationale to the Dean and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Once they have given their approval, the Office of Affirmative Action will approve the candidate.
- Credential checks and reference checks are the responsibility of the hiring unit, and should be completed prior to giving a verbal offer.
- The Dean is responsible for obtaining a verbal offer from the approved candidate. Once the candidate accepts the verbal offer, Deans should immediately contact the Office of Human Resources to initiate the background check.
- If the background check is returned as satisfactory, Human Resources will notify the Dean and Office of Academic Affairs. Academic Affairs will then complete the offer letter.
- If the position will work with minors on a regular basis, the department should review the requirements of IU’s Programs Involving Children policy. Departments may contact the Office of Human Resources with any questions.
- When a search has been completed and a candidate has accepted the offer, the Search Committee chair should contact the HR Generalist to close the search.
- HR will notify all non-interviewed candidates that they were not selected for the position.
- The search committee chair is responsible for notifying unsuccessful interviewed candidates that they were not selected for the position.
- The search committee chair should turn over all search documentation, including rationales, rubrics, interview questions and notes, to Human Resources. In accordance with policy, search materials will be maintained in HR for seven (7) years.
Waivers to forego the regular search process must be routed for approval on the Waiver Request form after the candidate has been identified, but BEFORE the offer has been made and accepted. A detailed explanation must be entered on the form. The explanation needs to clarify why a posted search is not needed, including identification of the specific waiver exemption and the justification category. This form negates the necessity for the Vacancy Notice, Interview Request and Offer Request. Contact the Office of Human Resources for information.