Agenda Committee
Members of this committee shall be the President of the Faculty Senate (as Chairperson), the Senate parliamentarian, Chairpersons of the Curriculum, Budgetary Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Admissions and Academic Affairs, the EVCAA (ex officio) and the Chancellor (ex officio). The faculty co-chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee is a member. Chairpersons of the Nominating Committee and Athletics Committee attend Agenda Committee meetings when their committees have items for upcoming meetings, and are welcome to attend all meetings. The Agenda Committee shall prepare and circulate the agenda prior to each Senate meeting. Any member of the Senate may suggest items for inclusion on the agenda.
- Greg Dam, Faculty Senate President (Chair, President)
- Wes Tobin (Co-Chair, AAA Committee)
- Denice Honaker (Co-Chair, AAA Committee)
- Neil Sabine (Chair, Athletics Committee)
- Beth South (Chair, Budgetary Affairs Committee)
- Tanya Perkins (Co-Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee)
- Jill Schweitzer (Co-Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee)
- Natalia Rybas (Graduate Affairs Council)
- KT Lowe (Chair, Nominating Committee)
- Ron Itnyre (Parliamentarian)
- Stephen Tillotson (Co-Chair of Curriculum Committee)
- Yan Liu (Co-Chair of Curriculum Committee)
- TJ Rivard (EVCAA, ex officio)
- Dennis Rome (Chancellor, ex officio)
Admissions & Academic Affairs (AAA) Committee
This committee shall be concerned with student admissions, probation, dismissal, and academic conduct.
- Wes Tobin (NSM ’25) – Co-chair
- Denise Honaker (EDUC ’25) – Co-chair
- Young You (NSM ’25)
- Jack Barlow (NSM ’25)
- Amanda Carmack (NURS ’25)
- Stephen Tillotson (HSS ’25)
- Nayeong Kong (NSM, '25) – Co-Chair
- Amber Hall (EDUC, `24) – Co-Chair
- Justin Carroll (HSS,`24)
- Amanda Carmack (NURS,`24)
- Amber Hall (EDUC, `24)
- Ramesh Karki (NSM, '24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Hong Chen (BUSE, '23)
- Mary Freeland (EDUC, '23)
- Ann Kim (HSS, '23)
- Nayeong Kong (NSM, '23) – Co-Chair
- Justin Carroll (HSS,`24)
- Amanda Carmack (NURS,`24)
- Amber Hall (EDUC, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- LaDonna Dulemba (Co-Chair; NURS, ’22)
- Julee Rosser (Co-Chair; HSS, ’22)
- Wes Tobin (NSM, ’22)
- Hong Chen (BUSE, '23)
- Mary Freeland (EDUC, '23)
- Ann Kim (HSS, '23)
- Nayeong Kong (NSM, '23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Melissa Blankenship (Chair, HSS, ’21)
- Feler Bose (BUSE, ’21)
- Amber Hall (EDUC, ’21)
- Tanya Perkins (HSS, ’21)
- LaDonna Dulemba (NURS, ’22)
- Julee Rosser (HSS, ’22)
- Wes Tobin (NSM, ’22)
Athletics Committee
The Athletics Committee is not a standing committee of the Faculty Senate. This committee is described in the Indiana University East Athletics Policy . The committee reports to both the Chancellor and to the Faculty Senate. The chair of the committee is invited to attend Agenda Committee meetings.
The Campus Athletics Committee creates academic policies regarding athletics,
recommends policies regarding athletics and supervises adherence to these policies. (See the Athletics Policy for a more detailed description).
- Tim Scales (BUSE, ’26) – Chair
- Neil Sabine (NSM, ’26) – Chair
- Shelly Burns (NURS, ’25)
- Wongun Goo (BUSE, ’25)
- Phyu Phyu Aung Myint (BUSE, ’25)
- Joe Griffin (Athletics Director, ex officio)
- Student Representatives
- Neil Sabine (NSM, `24) - Chair
- Shelly Burns (NURS, '25)
- Wongun Goo (BUSE, '25)
- Phyu Phyu Aung Myint (BUSE, ‘25) Vacancy
- Joe Griffin (Athletics Director, ex officio)
- Student Representatives
- Tim Scales (BUSE, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Shelly Burns (NURS, '23)
- Wongun Goo (BUSE, '23)
- Amber Hall (EDUC, '23)
- Joe Griffin (Athletics Director, ex officio)
- Student Representatives
- Katie Chaney (Registrar, ex officio)
- Neil Sabine (NSM, `24) - Chair
- Tim Scales (BUSE, `24)
- David Kim (HSS) - FAR
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- David Kim (HSS, ’22)
- Neil Sabine (Chair; NSM, ’22)
- Shelly Burns (NURS, '23)
- Wongun Goo (BUSE, '23)
- Amber Hall (EDUC, '23)
- Joe Griffin (Athletics Director, ex officio)
- Dennis Hicks (Registrar, ex officio)
- Student Representatives
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Joe Griffin (Athletics Director, ex officio)
- Dennis Hicks (Registrar, ex officio)
- Paula Baumann (NURS, ’21)
- Shelly Burns (NURS, ’21)
- Mary Freeland (EDUC, ’21)
- David Kim (HSS, ’22)(short-term Chair, Fall 2020)
- Neil Sabine (NSM, ’22)(Chair, Spring 2021)
- Student
- Student
Budgetary Affairs Committee
This committee shall be concerned with financial and budgetary matters. Each member shall represent a different academic School but shall not be Dean of that School. The Library shall be considered as an academic School for the purposes of membership on this committee.
- Beth South (LIB, ’25) – Chair
- Robin Brunk (NURS, ’26)
- Adam Scott (EDUC, ’26)
- Alyssa Brown (HSS, ’25)
- Hong Chen (BUSE, ’25)
- Neil Sabine (NSM, '25)
- Stephen Tillotson (interim HSS for Spring '25)
- Beth South (LIB, ’25) – Chair
- Robin Brunk (NURS, ’24)
- Kathleen Kreamelmeyer (EDUC, ’24)
- Alyssa Brown (HSS, ‘25)
- Hong Chen (BUSE, ’25)
- Neil Sabine (NSM, ’25)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Hong Chen (BUSE, ’23)
- Ramesh Karki (NSM, ’23)
- Amanda Kraha (Chair; HSS, ’23)
- Kristoffer Rees (interim HSS for Spring ’23)
- Beth South (interim Chair for Spring ’23; LIB, ’23)
- Robin Brunk (NURS, ’24)
- Kathleen Kreamelmeyer (EDUC, ’24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Robin Brunk (NURS, ’22)
- Denise Frazier (EDUC, ’22)
- Hong Chen (BUSE, short term, ’22)
- Ramesh Karki (NSM, ’23)
- Amanda Kraha (Chair; HSS, ’23)
- Beth South (LIB, ’23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Ramesh Karki (NSM, ’21)
- Amanda Kraha (Chair, HSS, ’21)
- Sue McFadden (LIB, ’21)
- Robin Brunk (NURS, ’22)
- Denise Frazier (EDUC, ’22)
- Sondra Smith (BUSE, ’22)
Curriculum Committee
This committee shall be concerned with all programs and courses offering academic credit, changes in existing University offerings, and with degree proposals. The following items necessitate action by the Curriculum Committee:
New degree and program proposals (approval required), substantive revisions to existing degrees and programs (approval required), system degree and program proposals for implementation (review and endorsement prior to implementation on this campus), substantive revisions to existing system degrees and programs (review and endorsement prior to implementation on this campus), courses brought forward from the master course list not previously taught on this campus (review and comment), new courses not on the master course list (approval required), any changes to an existing course that require a university course change request form (approval required).
- Yan Liu (BUSE, ’24) – Co-chair
- Stephen Tillotson (HSS, ’25) – Co-chair
- Hee Seok Nam (NSM, ’25)
- KT Lowe (LIB, ’25)
- Kathleen Kreamelmeyer (EDUC, ’25)
- Stephanie Whitehead (HSS, ’25)
- Yu Kay Law (NSM, `24) - Co-chair
- Yan Liu (BUSE, `24) - Co-chair
- KT Lowe (LIB, ’25)
- Kathleen Kreamelmeyer (EDUC, ’25)
- Stephanie Whitehead (HSS, ’25)
- Stephen Tillotson (HSS, ’25)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Rebecca Clemons (BUSE, '23)
- Greg Dam (HSS, '23) – Co-Chair
- Tommy Renfro (EDUC, '23)
- Gloria Dixon (NURS, `24)
- Yu Kay Law (NSM, `24) – Co-Chair
- Brian Olson (NSM, `24)
- Yan Liu (BUSE, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Amanda Carmack (Co-Chair; NURS, ’22)
- Deborah Miller (HSS, ’22)
- Andrea Quenette (Co-Chair; HSS, ’22)
- Walter Scott (NSM, ’22)
- Rebecca Clemons (BUSE, '23)
- Greg Dam (HSS, '23)
- Tommy Renfro (EDUC, '23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Rebecca Clemons (BUSE, ’21)
- Sue McFadden (LIB, ’21)
- Tommy Renfro (EDUC, ’21)
- Amanda Carmack (Co-Chair, NURS, ’22)
- Deborah Miller (HSS, ’22)
- Andrea Quenette (Co-Chair, HSS, ’22)
- Walter Scott (NSM, ’22)
Faculty Affairs Committee
This committee shall be concerned with policies related to the academic appointee, and with the general welfare, working conditions, and professional development of the faculty. The Faculty Affairs Committee shall have oversight responsibility for the systematic faculty review of the Chief Academic Officer and School Deans.
- Tanya Perkins (’26) – Co-chair
- Jill Schweitzer (’26) – Co-chair
- Mengie Parker (HSS, ’25) (Sabbatical Fall 24)
- Beth South (LIB, ’25)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, ’25)
- Sam Krerowicz (’26)
- Laverne Nishihara (HSS, ’24)—Co-Chair
- Jill Schweitzer (NSM, ’24)—Co-Chair
- Denice Honaker (EDUC, ’24)—Short Term
- Sam Krerowicz (NSM, ’24)
- Cindy Evans (NURS, ex officio as NTT UFC Representative)
- Jaynne Rivas (BUSE, ex officio as TT UFC Representative)
- Mengie Parker (HSS, ’25)
- Beth South (LIB, ’25)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, ’25)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Cindy Evans (NURS, ex-officio as NTT UFC Representative)
- Denice Honaker (EDUC, '23)
- Tanya Perkins (HSS, '23)
- Shari Fowler (BUSE, ex-officio as TT UFC Representative)
- Brittany Barbour (NURS, '23) – Short Term
- Jill Schweitzer (NSM,`24)
- Laverne Nishihara (HSS, `24) – Co-Chair
- Jaynne Rivas (BUSE, `24) – Co-Chair
- Sam Krerowicz (NSM, '24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Laverne Nishihara (Co-Chair; HSS, ’22)
- Jaynne Rivas (Co-Chair; BUSE, ’22)
- Vacancy ('23)'
- Shari Fowler (ex-officio as UFC Representative)
- Beth South (LIB, ’22)
- Jill Schweitzer (NSM, '22)
- Cindy Evans (ex-officio as UFC Representative)
- Denice Honaker (EDUC, '23)
- Tanya Perkins (HSS, '23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Kris Rees (HSS, ex officio as UFC Rep)
- Ange Cooksey (HSS, ex officio as UFC Rep)
- Edwina Helton (HSS, ’21)
- Chera LaForge (Chair, HSS, ’21)
- Jerry Wilde (EDUC, ’21)
- Laverne Nishihara (HSS, ’22)
- Jaynne Rivas (BUSE, ’22)
- Beth South (LIB, ’22)
- Young You (NSM, Fall 2020)
- Jill Schweitzer (NSM, '22)
Graduate Affairs Council
Graduate Affairs Council This shall be concerned with graduate education at IU East, including but not limited to curriculum, policies, and procedures in accordance with university policies and other matters of faculty authority that affect graduate studies. All memberships are for the designated academic year.
- Director of Graduate Studies – Natalia Rybas
- Education – Jerry Wilde
- English – Brian Brodeur
- History – Daron Olson
- Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee – TJ Rivard
- Library – KT Lowe
- Master of Liberal Studies, GS in Communication Studies, Graduate Non-degree, MAT in French, GC in Spanish – Natalia Rybas
- Mathematics – Nayeong Kong
- MS in Criminal Justice and Public Safety – Stephanie Whitehead
- MS in Marketing – Chien-Chung Chen
- MS in Mental Health Counseling – Beth Trammell
- Natural Sciences – Jia Xue
- Nursing – Paula Baumann
- Political Science – Scott Lee
- James Barbre (EDUC)
- Paula Baumann (NURS)
- Ed Fitzgerald (SWK)
- Jean Harper (HSS)
- Nayeong Kong (NSM)
- Scott Lee (HSS)
- Carla Messer (BUSE)
- Kara Newman (Director of Graduate Admissions)
- Daron Olson (HSS)
- TJ Rivard (Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs)
- Natalia Rybas (Chair, HSS and Director of Graduate Programs)
- Neil Sabine (NSM)
- Beth Trammell (HSS)
- Stephanie Whitehead (HSS)
- Frances Yates (LIB)
Nominating Committee
Senate Election Calendar
- August/September meeting: Slate selection* for Faculty Board of Review (See Bylaws) and Review Board for Grievances and Misconduct (See IUE Procedures for Student Code of Conduct)
- October: Elect Faculty Board of Review
- February: Elect Senate President and University Faculty Council representative
- March: Slate selection* for Nominating Committee, Promotion & Tenure and Lecturer Long Term Contract Review Committee
- April: Elect standing committees
* The slate selection process is described in the Bylaws.
- KT Lowe (LIB, ’26) – Chair
- Cal Simpson (BUSE, ’25)
- LaDonna Dulemba (NURS, ’25)
- Justina Licata (HSS, ’26) – Co-chair
- KT Lowe, (LIB, `24) - Chair
- Arkadiusz Mironko (BUSE, `24)
- Cal Simpson (BUSE, ’25)
- LaDonna Dulemba (NURS, ’25)
- Justina Licata (short term, HSS, ’24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Aaron Comstock (HSS, `23) – Chair
- KT Lowe, (LIB, `24)
- Arkadiusz Mironko (BUSE, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Gloria Dixon (Chair; NURS, ’22)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, ’22)
- Aaron Comstock (HSS, 23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Kris Rees (Chair, HSS, ’21)
- Gloria Dixon (NURS, ’22)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, ’22)
Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee evaluates dossiers for Promotion and Tenure for tenure-track and clinical rank faculty. Please see the Policies for Promotion and Tenure and Clinical Rank Appointments at Indiana University East for details.
- Duane Lundy (HSS, ’24) – Chair
- Natalia Rybas (HSS, ’26)
- Paula Baumann, Associate Professor (NURS, ’25)
- Neil Sabine, Professor (NSM, ’25)
- Litao Zhong, Associate Professor (BUSE, ’25)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, ’24)
- Duane Lundy (HSS, `24) – Chair
- Paula Baumann, Associate Professor (NURS, '25)
- Neil Sabine, Professor (NSM, '25)
- Litao Zhong, Associate Professor (BUSE, `25)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, `24)
- Mengie Parker (HSS, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Paula Baumann, Associate Professor (NURS, '23)
- Neil Sabine, Professor (NSM, '23)
- Litao Zhong, Associate Professor (BUSE, `23)
- Josh Tolbert (EDUC, `24)
- Duane Lundy (HSS, `24) – Chair
- Mengie Parker (HSS, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Mary Blakefield (NSM, ’22)
- Justin Carroll (HSS, ’22)
- Duane Lundy (Chair; HSS, ’22)
- Paula Baumann (NURS, '23)
- Neil Sabine (NSM, '23)
- Litao Zhong (BUSE, 23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Paula Baumann (NURS, ’21)
- Oi Lin Cheung (BUSE, ’21)
- Edwina Helton (Chair, HSS, ’21)
- Mary Blakefield (NSM, ’22)
- Justin Carroll (HSS, ’22)
- Duane Lundy (HSS, ’22)
Lecturer Long Term Contract Review Committee
The Lecturer Long Term Contract Review Committee evaluates dossiers for Promotion to Senior Lecturer. Please see the Policy for Lecturer Appointments at Indiana University East for details.
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Ange Cooksey (HSS, ’25) – Co-chair
- Ron Itnyre (NSM, ’26) – Co-chair
- Arkadiusz Mironko (BUSE, ’26)
- Melissa Blankenship (HSS, ’25)
- James Barbre (EDUC, ’26)
- Tim Scales (BUSE, ’24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Roberta Roswell. Senior Lecturer (NSM, '23)
- LaCalvince Simpson, Senior Lecturer (BUSE, '23)
- Margaret Thomas-Evans, Associate Professor (HSS, '23) - Chair
- James Barbre (EDUC, `24)
- Ron Itnyre (NSM, `24)
- Tim Scales (BUSE, `24)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- James Barbre (EDUC, '22)
- Ron Itnyre (NSM, ’22)
- Tim Scales (BUS, ’22)
- Roberta Roswell (NSM, '23)
- LaCalvince Simpson (BUSE, '23)
- Margaret Thomas-Evans (Chair; HSS, '23)
Final year of term is indicated in parentheses.
- Chera LaForge (HSS, ’21)
- Duane Lundy (HSS, ’21)
- Roberta Roswell (NSM, ’21)
- James Barbre (EDUC, '22)
- Ron Itnyre (Chair, NSM, ’22)
- Tim Scales (BUS, ’22)
Faculty Board of Review
Terms are two years and begin in January. The duties of the committee and its operating procedures are described in the Bylaws and in the Faculty Board of Review Policy.
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- LaDonna Dulemba (Chair, Associate Professor, Nursing, ’24)
- Jamie Buffington-Adams (Professor, HSS, ’25)
- Rosalie Aldrich (Professor, HSS, short-term, ’25)
- Mary Blakefield (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24), Retiring May 31, 2024
- Denise Bullock (Professor, HSS, ’24)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre (Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, ’23)
- Carrie Longley (Associate Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Rebecca Clemons (Associate Professor, BUSE, ’24)
- Yu Kay Law (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24)
Lecturer Long-term Alternates:
- Walter Scott (Senior Lecturer, NSM, ’24)
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- Jamie Buffington-Adams (Associate Professor, HSS, ’24)
- Rosalie Aldrich (Professor, HSS, short-term, ’24)
- Mary Blakefield (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24)
- Denise Bullock (Professor, HSS, ’24)
- LaDonna Dulemba (Associate Professor, Nursing, ’24)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre (Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, ’23)
- Carrie Longley (Associate Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Rebecca Clemons (Associate Professor, BUSE, ’24)
- Yu Kay Law (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24)
Lecturer Long-term Alternates:
- Walter Scott (Senior Lecturer, NSM, ’24)
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- Frances Yates (Associate Librarian, LIB, ’23)
- Rosalie Aldrich (Professor, HSS, short-term, ’23)
- Mary Blakefield (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24)
- Denise Bullock (Professor, HSS, ’24)
- LaDonna Dulemba (Associate Professor, Nursing, ’24)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre (Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, ’23)
- Carrie Longley (Associate Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Rebecca Clemons (Associate Professor, BUSE, ’24)
- Yu Kay Law (Associate Professor, NSM, ’24)
Members for 2022
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- Denise Bullock (Professor, HSS, ’22)
- Laverne Nishihara (Associate Professor, HSS, ’22)
- Natalia Rybas (Professor, HSS, short-term, ’22)
- Hitesh Kathuria (Associate Professor, NSM, ’22)
- Frances Yates (Associate Librarian, LIB, ’22)
- Beth Trammell (Associate Professor, HSS, ’22)
- Rosalie Aldrich (Professor, HSS, ’23)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre (Professor, HSS, ’21)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, ’21)
- Carrie Longley (Associate Professor, HSS, ’23)
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- Denise Bullock (Professor, HSS, ’22)
- Sue McFadden (Chair, Associate Professor, LIB, '21)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, '21)
- Laverne Nishihara (Associate Professor, HSS, ’22)
- Vacancy (’22)
- Stephanie Whitehead (Associate Professor, HSS, ’21)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre (Professor, HSS, ’21)
- Frances Yates (Associate Librarian, LIB, ’22)
- Hitesh Kathuria (Associate Professor, NSM, ’22)
- Beth Trammell (Associate Professor, HSS, ’22)
Term expires at the end of the indicated calendar year.
- Rosalie Aldrich (Associate Professor, HSS, '20) – short term
- Markus Pomper (Associate Professor, NSM, '20) – short term
- Denise Bullock (Associate Professor, HSS) – short term
- Sue McFadden (Chair, Associate Professor, LIB, '21)
- Robert Mulligan (Professor, BUSE, '21)
- Joan Lafuze (Professor, NSM)
- Stephanie Whitehead (Associate Professor, HSS)
- Alisa Clapp-Itnyre, (Professor, HSS)
- Hitesh Kathuria (Associate Professor, NSM)
- Frances Yates (Associate Librarian, LIB)