This includes all additions or name changes to degree programs as well as concentrations, tracks, cognates, minors, and/or certificates.
All such changes require action/approval off campus and are submitted via the APPEAR system by the Office of Academic Affairs to the Academic Leadership Council (ALC).
Relevant procedures, forms, and contingent approvals (e.g. from the Office of Online Education) required are found on the University Academic Policy (UAP) website . Contingent approvals must be obtained prior to submission to the Campus Curriculum Committee. Note that OOE contingent approval is required prior to submission of any new hybrid or online programs. It is important that you review the UAP website before proceeding.
Forms Required:
*For new concentrations/tracks/cognates/minors you will complete the Program Change Request Form . Be careful reviewing the sections you are required to complete on this form.
In Section 4: Rationale and Additional Information, please include the following (you may put this in a separate Word document and reference this document on the form).
- Why is the program needed? (Rationale)
- List major topics or curriculum of the program.
- List the major student outcomes (or set of performance-based standards) for the proposed program.
- Explain how student outcomes will be assessed (course-embedded assessment, graduate follow-up, employer survey, standardized tests, etc.).
- Describe the student population to be served.
- How does the program complement the campus or department mission?
- Describe the relationship to existing programs within Indiana University.
- List and indicate the resources required to implement the proposed program.
- Indicate sources, e.g. reallocation or any new resources such as personnel, library holdings, equipment, etc.
- Describe any innovative features of the program (e.g. involvement with local or regional agencies, offices, etc., cooperative efforts with other institutions, etc.).
After school approval, please email the materials to the Committee Chair.
All changes that should be reflected on the official course catalog shall be filed through the CARMIn system .
- CARMIn instructional packet
- Campus specific requirements:
- Under “Instructional Modes”, do not include “online correspondence” as a possible mode of instruction. You are recommended to select all possible modes of instruction (even if you have no intent to offer these
- Under ESI 4, each learning outcome/objective must be mapped to one of the following:
- Under ESI 5, a grading scheme expressed in terms of percentages should be given.
- For all course creations and activations, a completed, signed library resources form is to be attached to the CARMIn form.
- For all graduate course creations, a sample course syllabus is required to be attached to the CARMIn form. Required elements:
- Course name and number
- Course description
- Learning outcomes
- Major assignments
- Textbook(s) and/or other learning materials.
These will be routed via CARMIn and the relevant committee will review when routed to us. As the remonstrance and approval process takes several months, you may consider requesting interim approval (after School approval) from VPSS Course Catalog ( ).