IU East’s Mindful Explorations offers virtual visit with author Mary Elizabeth Pope on Feb. 17

February 7, 2022 |

Indiana University East’s Mindful Explorations presents a virtual Q&A and live reading with author Mary Elizabeth Pope at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 17. The event will be held on IU East Facebook Live. This event is free and open to the public.

black and white portrait of Mary Elizabeth Pope

Mary Elizabeth Pope
Photo by Sharona Jacobs

The Mindful Explorations event is presented by First Bank Richmond.

Pope will read from her newest novel, The Gods of Green County. A Depression-era piece set in rural Arkansas, the novel follows protagonist Coralee as she seeks justice for her murdered brother while facing scrutiny over her own sanity. Pope will also serve as judge for entries to the literary magazine Tributaries, and will visit the literary editing class taught by Assistant Professor of English Tanya Perkins.

“We are very fortunate to have Mary Beth Pope as our visiting writer this spring,” said Jean Harper, associate professor of English. “She’s a wonderful writer, and such a generous presenter. Those who attend the Facebook Live event will have an opportunity to ask her questions about her novel, as well as hear her read some excerpts.”

Pope grew up in Michigan with roots deep in the Missouri Bootheel and Northeast Arkansas.

She is professor of English at Emmanuel College in Boston. Pope is the author of a collection of short fiction, Divining Venus: Stories (The Waywiser Press, 2013) and her work has been featured in the literary magazines Arkansas Review, Florida Review, Bellingham Review, Ascent, Passages North, and Fugue, among others. She holds a Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Iowa. She lives outside Boston with her husband.

Copies of The Gods of Green County can be purchased at the IU East Bookstore, located in Whitewater Hall, or through online sources.

Mindful Explorations is sponsored by the IU East School of Humanities and Social Sciences.